Facebook offers two types of content options: organic and paid. Organic posts don’t cost any money to publish, but their reach is much more limited. However, paid advertisements allow you to target specific audiences with your posts, a seriously valuable piece of any digital marketing strategy.

Facebook offers many different types of advertising options so you can choose which type of ad best fits your current promotion.

  • Photo ads: Include an eye-catching image, along with text, a headline, link, and a call to action button, such as "Learn more" or "Shop now."
  • Video ads: Showcase a short video or up to 240 minutes of engaging content that will start playing directly in the news feed.
  • Carousel ads: Include up to 10 photos or videos in one post, allowing users to swipe through to learn more.
  • Canvas ads: Create a highly interactive ad for mobile users that can include multiple forms of content, such as images, videos, infographics, and more.

When getting your business or brand exposed on Facebook marketing, it can be hard to know where to start. But with some simple strategy under your belt, it's very easy to carve out a space for your business and know exactly what to expect, where you can attract leads and traffic to your website, field customer inquiries, and establish your team and your brand as a trusted business among peers.

  • Your business page is your 'face' on Facebook, and serves as an introduction for newcomers and fans alike. Follow your branding rules with a consistent visual layout, make sure that links are easily available to your products and resources. Moderate user interaction to ensure that your page is a safe and comfortable place for casual browsers.
  • Over time, your business page should become a community. Start by inviting friends, employees and current customers to like your page and engage with your content. Expand your reach with targeted advertisements which will expose your business to prospects and likely fans, and build relationships with similar business pages by liking and sharing their content.
  • Create your own content to keep your community interested and engaged, and post on a consistent schedule. Social media is becoming increasingly visual, so images and videos are most effective, while text-only posts should be avoided. Maintain an 80/20 balance between useful, entertaining posts, and promotional posts.
  • Facebook has one of the best paid targeted advertisement solutions on the web. First, determine what you want to promote, and who you want to reach. Facebook has versatile targeting features that account for interests, occupations, and highly detailed demographic data which you can easily leverage to get the most bang for your buck.