YouTube is the world’s largest video repository and the second largest search engine in the world. Neither of those facts should surprise you since 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

  • Almost five billion videos are watched on YouTube every day.
  • One billion of those views are on smart phones.
  • The average mobile viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes.
  • The number of YouTube channels earning six figures per year is up 50% over 2016.
  • Only nine percent of U.S. small businesses are using YouTube to market their goods and services.

YouTube Marketing is one of the most important types of marketing you can do. There are so many factors that go into YouTube properly promoting and sharing your video, it helps to know exactly what's needed when creating and promoting your channel.

  • A Catchy Title and Keyword Structure
  • Proper Video Quality and Length
  • Cover Photo that grabs your viewers attention
  • Keyword Searches and Competition Review
  • Sharing across Social media platforms 
  • Finding and utilizing YouTubes marketing algorithms